Hydroseeding & Sod

With grading, irrigation, planting beds, and outdoor living spaces complete, it's time to install the finishing touch - your new lawn. The most effective methods in our area for establishing turf are hydroseed and sod. Whichever method you choose for finishing your lawn, you will need to carefully monitor and water your lawn so it can become well established and ready to thrive in our climate. We'll review care instructions with you and provide a written care guide for your reference. This guide, covering care for all of your landscaping, is also available in the resources section of our website.
Hydroseeding is a cost effective way to establish your new lawn. Properly cared for seeded lawns establish a strong root system and are remarkably drought tolerant. The hydroseeding process involves mixing water, seed, fertilizer, and mulch in a tank to form a slurry and spraying the mix on an area prepared for seeding. We install a landscaper's mix of seed including primarily Kentucky Blue Grass. This mix is blended to thrive in our climate and can tolerate full sun to moderate shade.

Sod is instant gratification. With sod, we'll transform your yard from dirt to green grass in a matter of hours. This instant coverage is excellent for mitigating erosion, mud and weeds while the lawn is rooting in and becoming established. This feature makes sod is an excellent option for those with pets or small children. We install ½” peat bluegrass sod grown in Minnesota. This product is well suited to our area and, with proper care, will give you a beautiful lawn for years to come.